Top 5 Rookie Mistakes Home Sellers Make


    A seller may agree to cover some or all of your closing costs. This is called a "closing cost credit" and is a way to seal the deal. It's also a tax-deductible expense…

The Benefits of Owning Multiple Properties


    Buying a home with cash is an option for many people who want to take advantage of the real estate market. However, there are some things to keep in mind when considering whether…

How to Finance a Second Home Purchase


    In today's real estate market, would-be buyers outnumber sellers and are vying for every available property. Home sellers who are willing to accept a cash offer are better positioned to compete and get…

Is Digital Real Estate Right For You?


  Digital Real Estate is all about online property, including domains, websites, smart phone apps, and intellectual properties. These assets can vary in value, depending on how desirable they are and how developed they are.…

Selling For Cash Offers on Houses


  The most common way to purchase a home is through a mortgage. The process starts with a preapproval letter from your lender, and you’ll put up earnest money to secure the purchase. This is…